Customized Turkish Baths

Lifeclass has a great skill to realize customized Turkish baths

Turkish Bath Lifeclass

Lifeclass realizes Turkish Bath for all needs.
Lifeclass designers plan and realize Turkish Bath of any shape and sizes, with the possibility to achieve within a variety of accessories like fountains, waterfalls, anatomic beds, massage tables etc…
The structure is realized of EPS, a material that gives the structure a high degree of thermal insulation, it is completely waterproof (no moisture problem and seepage in the house) and it guarantees maximum durability, as well as being fire retardant, non-toxic, non-allergenic and non-polluting.

Finishing for Turkish Bath

A Turkish Bath can finish off in mosaic, gres, artificial resin and much more satisfying the request of customers.

Tell us your ideal Turkish bath properties and we will send to you our best quote!

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